Boost Your Photography Website with 9 Easy Blogging Tips

A consistent blogging strategy to level up your online presence & impress your photography clients

Unless you're a boring ol' word nerd like me (or diligently outsourcing your writing peeves to a copywriter for photographers), the thought of regularly blogging probably sucks your soul dry.

Forget churning out endless wedding recaps or half-arsing blogs for the sake of it; I'm giving you 9 simple tips to nail your blogging strategy and boost your online presence!

easy blogging strategy for wedding photography websites

9 actionable tips to write your next blog with confidence & clarity

1.  Decide on the GOAL of your article

Consider why you're writing this blog for your photography website, its purpose, and what you hope to achieve. 

For example:

  • Build your brand awareness & authority in the photography industry

  • Introduce & educate about products/ services

  • Ranking for specific keywords & search terms

  • Building backlinks for SEO 

  • Nurture your mailing list 

  • Chime in on an existing conversation

  • Share important news & announce upcoming updates

Blogging isn't always only about SEO.

Increased organic traffic to your website is always a perk, but your blog can also elevate your personal brand by providing educational and inspirational content that both past and future photography clients will love. 

2. Determine WHO your target audience is

Why should they be interested in what you have to say? What problem are they trying to solve? What pain points do they have? Do they prefer long-form articles or short, snappier blogs? 

You can also look at data from your website analytics or social media insights to gain a deeper understanding of who's already consuming your content. 

When you know who you're writing for and why, you can create content and use language that better resonates with your target audience, earns their trust, and keeps them coming back for more.

3. Pick your focus keywords & SEARCH terms

By identifying your target keywords and search phrases, you can optimise your photography blog for search engines and track a tangible measure. 

keyword research for wedding photographer blog

You'll want to have a mix of:

  • Short, more generic phrases - e.g. "Wedding Venue in Mexico"

  • More detailed, long-tail phrases - e.g. "Intimate Garden Wedding Venue in Tulum, Mexico"

Remember, just because an SEO phrase has a high search volume doesn't mean you should go for it. High search volume likely means increased competition to rank.

The more selective and tailored your target search term, the more opportunities you have to maximise your ranking and satisfy a broader range of search intent.

Do your due diligence by Googling your selected phrases and seeing which articles currently rank for them and why - then use them as inspo!

Recommended (FREE) SEO Keyword ResearchTools

☀ Moz Keyword Explorer 

☀ Google Keyword Planner 

☀ Ahrefs Keyword Generator

4. Map out your blog's HEADINGS & subheadings

This will help you to structure your entire blog, knowing where you need to dig into, and what to cover in each section. As a copywriter and blogger for photographers, I can't stress enough how important this step is!!

As an example, let's pretend you're writing a blog about "Your Ultimate Guide: How to Plan a Wedding in Mexico".

Besides discussing top wedding venues, you can look at Google's "People also ask" section for SEO guidance on real questions people are asking. 

blogging tips for photographers

Answer the Public is also another super helpful tool for this.

You can then use those questions to map out your subheadings and answer popular FAQs surrounding your chosen topic. 

5. WRITE the blog!

Now that we've brainstormed the goal of your blog, who it's for, your target keywords and have outlined the headings and subheadings, it's time to actually write the damn thing, right?!

easy blogging tips for wedding photographers
  • Match your tone of voice to your brand personality as well as the type of language your audience vibes with 

  • Aim for digestible, bite-sized paragraphs with attention-grabbing subheadings—make it easy to SKIM! If it looks long on desktop, it will be even longer on mobile.

  • Keep it engaging by curating relevant images, videos, infographics, etc. 

  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to break down chunky sections further

Finish with a strong, clear call to action that aligns with your blog's goal.

What's the ideal word count?

Specialists used to recommend blog lengths of over 2,000-3,000 words for maximum SEO benefits, but thanks to TikTokification, that recommended number is now dropping to 500-1,200 words, depending on the industry. 

It also depends on the type of blog you're writing. For example, if it's a detailed how-to guide for future wedding clients, then a higher word count is ideal. If it's a recap of a wedding you recently shot, then a shorter blog is totally fine!

When in doubt, focus on quality over quantity, especially if you start to "fluff" your content with meaningless fillers. 

6. EDIT & optimise for SEO before publishing

Grammarly is a great browser extension that will assist you with proofreading your blog in real time.

But I also highly recommend reading your entire blog aloud—you'll be surprised how many typos you've glossed over and how awkward certain word placements may sound. If you catch yourself stumbling on certain phrases or sentences, work on improving the flow. 

SEO Tips for Photography Blogs

  • Weave keywords throughout your headings and subheadings, and copy where it makes sense and sounds natural - DON'T mindlessly spam your blog with keywords. Always write for humans first, Google second.

  • Where relevant, include a mix of internal links (e.g. to previous blogs or other pages on your photography website) and external links (e.g. to another website you've mentioned or a vendor you've recommended).

  • Assign an optimised page title and meta description 

  • Optimise images with descriptive alt tags

  • Check and improve page speed

  • Double-check the mobile and desktop user experience

7. DISTRIBUTE your blog everywhere

After all that hard work, you'll want to attract as many eyeballs as possible! Don't wait for people to stumble across it.

You can organically promote your new blog article via your:

  • Homepage

  • Social feed & stories

  • Newsletter

  • Facebook groups & forums

You can also add your blog as an update on your Google Business Profile!

blog updates on Google Business Profile

Example of blogs posted as updates on my Google Business Profile

If you've featured other businesses, like your favourite wedding vendors, share the blog with them too! You can also tag them in your social posts/stories to bring their attention to it.

8. REPURPOSE your blog content

You've invested a whole heap of time into writing this blog so make sure you effectively maximise its potential.

You can repurpose the key content by breaking it down into an Instagram carousel, filming a YouTube video, turning it into a lead magnet, etc.

repurposing blog content for photographers

Image Credit: Zeve

9. TRACK your blog's performance

Identify new areas of opportunity by tracking the results of your blogging efforts!

Some key metrics would include (but are not limited to):

  • Overall blog views

  • Average engagement time

  • Bounce rate

  • Traffic sources

  • Social shares

  • Keyword rankings

Also, check out what they did next - did they go on to read another blog, click on your call to action, go to another page, or leave your website altogether?

Recommended Tools to Track Your Photography Website’s Performance

☀ Google Analytics

☀ Google Search Console

☀ Hotjar (Visually tracks user behaviour on your site)

☀ FATRANK (Google Chrome extension for checking keyword rankings)

Keep blogging to prevent your photography website from getting buried in the tumbleweeds of the internet

Practice makes perfect, and consistently updating your website with fresh, engaging blog content is a great way to appease the Google lords and your target audience.

Your future clients are out there actively searching for the amazing photography services you offer, so don’t gatekeep your hard-earned knowledge.

Use your blogs to educate and hype your dream clients about finding their perfect photographer: YOU!

Fantasising about smashing out blogs regularly - without spending hours researching, writing, editing, and second-guessing yourself?

You’re not alone. Even copywriters—born and paid to write—often find themselves (aka *me*) procrastinating.🤭

funny procrastination gif community

It’s SO tempting to focus on serving your current clients while hustling new bookings instead of doing boring biz stuff like updating your wedding photography website…even when you know it’ll benefit your business.

I feel that deeply.

That’s exactly why, over the next few months, I’m currently working on releasing a…

DONE-FOR-YOU Blogging Guide for Wedding Photographers 🤩

This goldmine will be jam-packed with:

  • A minimum of 12 months’ worth of engaging blog topics to attract, educate + convert your dream clients

  • Keyword suggestions to boost your SEO strategy

  • Tips on how to structure each blog

…and so much more. Trust me, I’m a classic people-pleaser and obsessive over-achiever, so I won’t settle for anything that won’t BLOW you away. 😉

If you want to score an early bird discount, instant access to a FREEBIE, AND receive cute newsletters with actionable business + mindset tips…hop onto my waitlist for photographers below!

But, hey, if you’d rather chug a scalding-hot coffee than tackle your blogs on your own - I humbly offer my loyal services as your blogging fairy godmother. My inbox is wide open, so c’mon in!


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